Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

I have always been a glass half-empty/ half-full girl.

I, for instance, am the queen of deprivation.  If I feel anything is being taken from me, I become angry, defensive, and run to indulge myself. If my mother told me that I shouldn’t have dessert, I learned to sneak twice the portion behind her back.  The damage that feeling did has permeated my life.

So, the other day I was wrestling with a major decision!  I need to give up sugar. For medical and personal reasons, sugar is wreaking havoc on my body and mind. I kept focusing on what this decision would take away from me; how much I would lose. “What about wine, chocolate, desserts?”

If I give it all up won’t I just increase the longing and then rush to overindulge at the first opportunity? I really struggled.

Last night as I lay in bed, I had an astounding thought. What if I could choose to give up sugar. Rather than see it as a deprivation, see it as part of a short-term solution to a long-term problem? It suddenly occurred to me that I wasn’t looking to give up sugar forever, I was looking to cleanse my body long enough for my dependence on it to diminish and, most importantly, to allow my liver and pancreas to function normally. I can control and set short-term goals that will yield the outcome I desire.

Suddenly I am in control, I’m not controlled! When I tell myself that I will cut out sugar for four months, I feel far less stressed and I don’t feel deprived.

Not rocket science, I know. Truth be told, I have probably coached and parented this very philosophy many times, but until last night I never completely saw its application in my own life.

So, here’s the deal. What changes do you need to make that you are resisting and what is the message that the resistance is sending you?

What if you really could make the glass half full instead of half empty?

“Giving up sugar for four months will provide me with a healthier body and mind. After that time I can learn to incorporate moderate sugar intake into my diet.”

rather than,

“I’m never going to allow myself sugar again! There won’t be any dessert, chocolate or wine in my life!”

The latter implies a complete lack of trust and an inability to control impulses and urges; while the former opens the door to complete ownership of your own health and mind. As I said in previous posts, that’s really what we are after, empowering ourselves rather than being overpowered.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Until next time!